I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to visit Italy three times in my life and hope to do it again in the near future. If you have only one chance to visit Europe, make it Italy. It can be the experience of a lifetime if you will allow it to be. You have only to be open to it. I wrote this shortly after my second trip there in 2006.
Italy will touch you. That is, it will gently speak to your heart and soul to the extent that they can hear. If you are lucky, it will reach inside you, pull out and hand to you, most elegantly of course, all your passion that’s been tucked away so deeply, but was hesitant to venture out in our more reserved American society.
Go to Italy if you want to love so strongly it will take your breath away, experience beauty around every corner, and breathe in the magnificence of the spiritual energy of hundreds of years that vibrates so strongly in places like Venice and Assisi.
It’s okay to “feel” things in Italy. Your soul is bared…open to sentiments of passion, pain, tragedy, love, joy, beauty and life. Your heart bursts open to all of life’s experiences with an intensity that has only simmered within you in the past. Yes, there is the return of that joyful breath of life traveling along with you. You wonder why you waited so long to start living and only hope that as you return to your own wonderful country, you can take with you as much passion for life as your heart and soul felt there.Click to view slideshow.